Thoughts On Auto-Updating Older Versions of WordPress
The WordPress’ leadership proposal for auto-updating old sites to the latest version is very, very dangerous.
Why Is There a Blue Butterfly Next to My Name?
Why the blue butterfly next to my Twitter name? Because September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month.
How the State Department Website Was Built
Recently I spoke with Joe Casabona on his “How I Built It” podcast, talking about the redesign of the State Department’s website using WordPress.
SVG Icons, Sass, and CSS-Tricks
In my first-ever post for CSS-Tricks, I write about how you can create a flexible—and maintainable—system for managing SVG icons using Sass.
Using Automated Website Testing to Win at Parenting
Today my daughter starts a one-week summer camp at our local Earth Treks rock climbing center. She’s super-excited, and has been looking forward to this since I signed her up last December. Of course, there is always a catch. The summer camp scene here in the D.C. area is ultra-competitive, and this one was no…
Mondays Are Super Hard When You’re a Freelancer
Once upon a time, I worked at an agency. Mondays were great. Now, I’m a freelancer, and Mondays are much, much harder.