Good news, everyone!
The first three chapters of my book, Responsive WordPress Theming, are now available through the Manning Early Access Program. When you subscribe to my book through the MEAP, not only do you get these chapters right away, but future chapters are delivered right onto your computer as I write them in real time, Google Docs style! Well, maybe not, but you will be getting chapters as they are released.
In addition, you can post comments, questions, corrections and pretty much anything else you want to say to the author’s forum where I will read and reply to each comment individually. (Or as time permits.)
This is a huge milestone, but there is still much, much more work to be done. With your input and a lot more late nights on my end, I’m hopeful that this book will be a huge success.
To purchase your MEAP copy of Responsive WordPress Theming, go to Manning’s site, select Responsive WordPress Theming from the Web Development MEAP titles, and enter offer code rwtlauco for 50% off.