Are work anniversaries really a thing? LinkedIn seems to think so, if the volume of email announcing them is to be believed. But as I’m facing a work anniversary of my own, permit me a moment of self-reflection.
Author: tracy
It’s About Community.
In my first of two rather self-indulgent blog posts this week — one here (look for it tomorrow) and one on RP3 Agency’s “Magnetisms” blog — I talk about how much I love the WordPress community.
Picturefill.js + WordPress
Matt Marquis, chair of the Responsive Images Community Group, asked on Twitter:
Anyone know whether
/Picturefill support is officially in the works for WordPress? Could swear I saw something about that once.
There’s no official, native support for the <picture>
element (or its polyfill) in WordPress, and the Picturefill.js script is not included in the WordPress distribution (like jQuery is), but you can use both the <picture>
element along with Picturefill.js in your WordPress theme today, if you’re not afraid of a little custom theming. We’ll follow the instructions for using Picturefill.js by Scott Jehl for our actual <picture>
element markup.
Today RP3 Agency pulled the curtain back on, our brand new, mobile first, responsive website. It’s been a crazy process of tight deadlines, designing on the fly, and taking up roles outside of our traditional comfort zones.
And we’re by no means done.
Eh, I Saw These Domain Names Before They Were Famous.
My latest contribution to the RP3 Agency blog, musing on the future of new-fangled top level domains. Co-written with Chief Creative Technologist Kurt Roberts and Director of Strategic Planning Omar Quiñones.
Don’t Trap Me In Your Website
Social media gurus (insert the level of snark you wish) will tell you that “hashtags are all the rage” and “retweet everything so people know what you believe in.”
They’ll also tell you that the kindest thing you can do to the lovely people who have taken the time and effort to find your site is to trap you there with links that only open external windows and tabs.
But why? I ask. What rationale, other than vanity, is suitable to compel visitors to never “leave” your website?
Shop Talk Show & New Speaking Gig
Shop Talk Show
My Shop Talk Show appearance is in the feed! I cannot thank Dave and Chris enough for having me on. I had so much fun, and they made me feel very, very welcome. Check it out!
Sassy DC
My newest meetup addiction has been Sassy DC. Welch and Una run an excellent monthly meetup where we get to talk about all things Sass. They’ve been kind enough to invite me to talk at an upcoming meetup, so on May 7 I’ll be presenting about Sass data types and control structures. If you’re in D.C., and want to learn about some of the things that make Sass more like a real programming language (such as looping through arrays and the like), come on out! Details to come.
Is Building a Non-Blog Website with WordPress a Hack?
Did I mention that I listen to a lot of podcasts? Of course I did. So last week I was listening to the latest episode of Happy Monday, a web design podcast hosted by Sarah Parmenter and Josh Long and featuring guest Colin Devroe. During the course of it, Sarah expressed her belief that using WordPress for anything other than a blog was “a hack.”
Continue reading “Is Building a Non-Blog Website with WordPress a Hack?”
#Chatting & Podcasting & Speaking
By now you all know that I love WordPress and I love responsive design and I won’t shut up about either. So here’s a recap of where I’ll be chatting and talking about all things responsive WordPress in the coming months… Continue reading “#Chatting & Podcasting & Speaking”