Do You Still Test in IE7?

Hi there, fellow web developers. I stopped testing for Internet Explorer 6 a while ago, simply because I had enough trouble managing virtual machines to handle testing in IE7, IE8 and IE9.  Now with my primary client fully switched over to IE8, I find myself rarely, if ever, even testing in IE7.  In fact, I removed that VM from my VMWare Virtual Machine Library just yesterday (although I did not delete the VM’s file off my hard drive).

So my question to you all is: do you still test in IE7? Or is it only 8 and above for you guys now?

Thanks for your input!

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BBEdit 10

I guess I’m going to be in the minority for not heaping praise upon BBEdit’s new update, version 10.[1. See also: MacWorld’s review and IT Inquirer’s review, among others.] However, as a long-time user (I think I started using it somewhere around version 4, IIRC), there have been enough changes in this version to throw my whole workflow out of whack, including one key feature (for me at least) that’s now gone altogether.

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Update to TC Comment Out

Fresh off the presses, I have an update to my original WordPress plugin, TC Comment Out. I’ve added the ability to add an attribute that will completely remove the commented out text from the finished page altogether, rather than hide it inside HTML comments (which, by the way, is still the default behavior). So now, if you’re so paranoid (and they really are out to get you!) that you don’t even want the commented text viewable when the visitor to your site views the source HTML in the browser, you now have that option.

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Quick Fix for Network Issues

Occasionally, when I’m on the client’s site, the Internet connection on my MacBook Pro completely dies even though I’m connected to the Wi-Fi network and have a valid (that is, not self-assigned) IP address.  Usually this is caused when the VPN I’m connected to (yes, even though I’m on the client site I still sometimes need to connect to their VPN) crashes my machine, and I’m talking gray-screen-of-death calibre of crashing.

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Free Mr. Tony! (And Here’s How To Do It)

At about the same time as WTEM ESPN980 decided that it would delay releasing its unabridged podcast of The Tony Kornheiser Show for twenty-four hours, David Pogue of the New York Times released his podcast and column spotlighting a little something called What is it? Nothing less than a way that YOU can help free Mr. Tony, at least for yourself.

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