Did I Mention I’m Writing a Book?

Exciting news! It’s official, I’m writing a book. A real book, for a real publisher and everything. It’s exciting, yes, but it’s also very, very scary. Now there are deadlines to meet, editors to please, standards to follow, the whole shebang.

What’s it about? Well, the exact title is still up in the air, but it’s about building your own responsive WordPress themes. This should be no surprise. I’ve been in the tank for WordPress for a while now, and I think responsive web development is not only the future, but it’s also plain fun. But it’s also complicated, and I’ve learned a bunch in the responsive WordPress theming projects I’ve completed to date that I’d like to share with the world. As I’ve given RWD talks at a WordPress meetup and WordCamp already, I’m taking the next step and transferring that knowledge into an legitimate book.

Hopefully, there’s a demand for this type of book. (And, hopefully, I don’t fail miserably at this.) I’ll post updates here as I can. Right now, I’m in the early, early stages so I can’t even project when it’ll be available. But I’ll be sure to let you know!