RP3 Agency

June 2012 – November 2016


RP3 Agency is an advertising agency located in downtown Bethesda, Maryland. As the Front-End Architect, I was responsible for setting organization standards in all aspects of front-end development, especially with regards to CSS (for which we used Sass), build processes (which evolved from CodeKit to Grunt and finally Gulp), revision control management (I led the effort to upgrade from Subversion to Git), and DevOps. For the majority of the WordPress projects that came through our door, I was the lead developer, and I strived to make each project responsive, performant, and accessible. I also built highly-available WordPress hosting environments on Amazon Web Services using a combination of EC2, auto scaling, application load balancing, S3 and CloudFront asset distribution, and Elastic File System utilizing HTTP/2.

The RP3 Agency site Work page, showcasing our client work.

I also continuously researched new techniques and best practices, offering my findings to the rest of the organization through lunch and learns and other internal education initiatives. Beyond that, I provided thought leadership on the agency’s blog, writing about pertinent topics in the world of web development and online marketing.

Projects I worked on include:

I was also the primary developer for the agency’s own website*. For these projects I earned a number of awards, including the Digital Out-of-Home Award, the Pixel Award, numerous American Advertising Awards and W3 Awards, and a Webby Honoree.

(Starred projects indicate WordPress sites.)